Seller Profile

Ready to start selling on Saleko? Follow these simple steps:


Step 1a:

Desktop Users - Look for the 'Sell on Saleko' button located on the homepage. Click it, select 'Set up shop', and get started.

Step 1a:

Desktop Users - Look for the 'Sell on Saleko' button located on the homepage. Click it, select 'Set up shop', and get started.

Step 1b:

Mobile Users - Simply tap the menu icon on the left, then choose the option-'Create an Account.' Let's go!

Step 2:

Fill out your basic information - We only require essential information to create your account, so don't worry about sharing any sensitive personal details.

Step 2:

Fill out your basic information - We only require essential information to create your account, so don't worry about sharing any sensitive personal details.

Step 3:

Verify your account - We will send a verification link to the email address associated with your account. Please check your inbox and click on the link to confirm your registration.

Step 4:

Activate your seller dashboard - Activate your Seller Dashboard - Now that you have a Saleko account, it's time to become a seller. Simply click on the 'Become a seller' button located on your dashboard, and fill in the required information. Once you've completed the form, our team will carefully review your details. We'll notify you via email  as soon as your account has been approved and activated.

Step 5:

Start selling - Congratulations! You're now ready to start selling on Saleko. Once your account has been approved, you'll gain access to your Seller Dashboard, where you'll find all the tools and features you need to run a successful ecommerce business. And that's not all, keep an eye on your email as we'll provide you with regular tips on how to use Saleko to maximise your sales.

Step 5:

Start Selling - Congratulations! You're now ready to start selling on Saleko. Once your account has been approved, you'll gain access to your Seller Dashboard, where you'll find all the tools and features you need to run a successful ecommerce business. And that's not all, keep an eye on your email as we'll provide you with regular tips on how to use Saleko to maximise your sales.

By signing up on Saleko, you'll be able to enjoy a variety of benefits, including the ability to negotiate prices with our merchants on Saleko, access to special deals and promotions, the ability to track your order history, and the convenience of shopping online from the comfort of your own home.

At Saleko, we're committed to providing you with the best possible shopping experience. That's why we offer a variety of support channels, including chat support, to ensure that you have the help you need, when you need it. Try us out today and see for yourself!"

For further assistance. Do not hesitate Call 07000SALEKO or to reach out to us by email at